For Immediate Release:
Contact: Kelly Broadway, 202-808-8853
Preparation for Next Public Health Emergency Starts Now
Energy and Commerce consider PAHPA reauthorization
Washington, D.C. – The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee hearing on Preparing For And Responding To Future Public Health Security Threats and the reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) is timely as today marks the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.
“On the day the official COVID emergency declaration ends, we should all be acutely aware that we never want to be unprepared for the next emergency,” said Brett Meeks, Executive Director of the Health Innovation Alliance (HIA). “Congress should use the reauthorization of PAHPA to bolster state and local preparedness activities and leverage the expertise of the private sector to ensure we have adequate supplies and information flows where it needs to – including making sure information flows down to the front lines, not just up to bureaucrats.”
For more information on HIA’s recommendations to improve public health data use and reporting, including the future of the Centers for Disease Control, download the file below.